ID/組別 | Introduction/介紹 | Contact/聯絡人 |
1 | To-Do-Schedule 行事曆可以不一樣,我們有活動邀請,讓你可以邊辦活動邊注意自己接下來的行程,我們有老闆功能,讓你可以在下屬的行事曆中留言,讓他不再偷懶打混,我們有To-Do List,讓你輕鬆紀錄生活中的小事情,最後,我們有簡單的介面以及精心的小功能,讓你可以輕鬆使用,你,不要再以為自己不需要行事曆了。 |
楊迪凱 |
2 | 學生性、地方性、特色性旅遊資訊連結網 本公司期望推出的產品能夠帶給學生族群於在地旅遊更多有用的綜合資訊。學生只需要輸入希望要旅遊的地區以及預算,系統可以即時分析並提供附近的旅遊景點和美味小吃,原來學生旅遊也可以如此簡單!現在,本公司以推出新的版面配置,訴求簡單清新且更貼近人群的介面,功能部份也將陸陸續續接上軌道,大家請敬請期待! |
鄭仲翔 |
3 |
Online Service eXchange (OSX) Motivation: Throughout the years we might need some knowledge about some other professional area(s) to be able to have a better performance during our studies or work, and hence be able to produce efficiently. However we may have little or lack knowledge about the other areas, unfortunately placing us in a difficult situation. We come to realize the need of the integration of other professional areas in our own professional career. Purpose: Our main goal is to efficiently connect professional of different areas for the exchange of knowledge and skills. Focus: OSX seeks to be a non-profit website for global service exchange. We want to pay close attention to the digital information, we can basically exchange anything that be transferred from place to place through the internet. Firstly we want to start with students at NCKU then make it global, and also provide other services. Method to achieve our Purpose and Focus: Currently, internet usage is in very large scale. By setting up a platform where users interact is the key. Users will be able to log in to the system, see the news, decided to help some other user with a project, and also post their own projects for which they need help. Inorder for better efficiency and comfort, the site main functions will provided for the leaving a message, uploading and downloading, listen to music without downloading, and see pictures without downloading, etc. Each user will notified (probably by mail) when someone initiates a help action for his/her project. Developers: Darvin: Founder of Website, HTML, CSS, JavaScript 蔣亦修: CGI 吳承翰: HTML, CSS, JavaScript 李仁維: Wireframe 楊承峰: Wireframe We are all electrical engineering students. |
Darvin |
4 |
Sawaii — Service and Web Application Information Interface Our website is committed to bringing the best to every student in electric engineering. We wish to bring convenience to a whole new level to each student whether it be school, buying or selling or simply information. There are many websites which may fulfill this requirement but we wish to do so even better than any other website out there. It is our goal to bring all this together in one safe package and look good while doing so too. So what does that potentially mean for you? If you've read this far, your English must be pretty good as that is a requirement as any intercompany communications will be done through in english. Now with that out of the way, we are looking for one of the following.
We also run on the pretense that everyone have an image manipulation software and/or website editing tool. Should you feel that you have the motivation to make our site the best and you are willing to work while fulfilling the above requirements. You may and should contact us as soon as possible. Thank you for your time. Contact information will be given later according to our teacher's wishes. |
賴聘才 |
5 | 撲吃![]() |
林延祖 |
6 | GooGo 成員: 林映君(電機系) 林潔君(系統系) 莊紀詮(電機系) 廖凡緯(電機系) 蔡佳純(電機系) 陳煜駿(機械系) 趙愷文(機械系) 主要內容: 為旅遊資訊分享平台和記錄旅遊的平台,但一改與以往不同的分類方式,讓國家為主題,讓你去過的地方為主角,一一的紀錄你在這世界上踏過的足跡,走過的路,加上有旅遊玩家們可以互相分享最當地,最炙熱,最快速的第一手消息,讓你不再為世界這麼大,我到底要去哪裡最值得的問題來困惑你。 公司現況: 目前網站架設程度算中等,成員氣氛和諧,大家都很認真負責,參與度也很高,但由於成員人數已充足,除非你美工超級強,或是程式超級強,否則我們目前餔缺任何人才。 |
林映君 |
7 | 選課系統![]() 還在為不知道該選什麼課感到困擾嗎? 在B版找了半天卻找不到你想要的課程資訊嗎? 我們的選課系統為您開啟了新的方向! 選課系統不僅提供了BBS上能提供的所有功能,並且把所有課程的資訊經過整理,提供給所有使用者一個更簡單、更便利、更快速的選課資訊。 我們選用社群網站的方式,提供大家對各個課程的特性進行評分(例如:重要性、給分高低、課業負擔…),也讓使用者可以看到該課程的各項分數,以方便使用者選課。 除此之外,我們也計畫推出超值套餐服務系統,在此系統中我們將針對某些特性做出不同課程的組合,以提供各位使用者參考,讓選課online不再枯燥乏味。! |
陳恆懌 |
8 | 宿舍便當合購系統![]() 想找一個工作環境良好、技術高而且福利好的工作團隊嗎? 那便當購就會是你最佳的選擇。 天鵝八人戰隊擁有絕佳的工作環境(自己的宅窩)、超高的技術(做完便當購系統就會有技術)還有你不可錯過的超讚福利: 全球首富比爾蓋茲有錢都買不到,星巴克也不會做的便當購五星級員工料理--老闆親自泡的黑糖奶茶! 現在除了老闆自己以外,目前都還沒有人試過! 想喝黑糖奶茶嗎?意洽24小時聯絡專線(全天候24小時都寄得到) 來信應徵請附上簡單自我介紹,熟悉 Flash、MySQL、Linux者佳。 |
楊雅嵐 |
10 | Just GO! 糾狗 你有很多瘋狂創意無處可發洩? 身上充滿藝術細胞卻投靠無門? 對自己的電腦技術極度有信心? 我們尋找想一起開創一個娛樂新天地的你! 歡迎加入糾狗! 我們要的就是你! |
周厚沂 |
13 | 調酒網站 需要一個對HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT非常熟悉的同學,有興趣可以E-MAIL |
莫皓全 |